Model Settings

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Available settings:


Nodes group

Nodes: Shows/Hides the Nodes

Numbering: Shows/Hides the Nodes' numbering

Use A,B,C,D: If checked, the numbering of Nodes is not numerical but with the letters A, B, C, etc, like Excel columns numbering. This is useful to distinguish between the numbering of Nodes and Elements. By default, in EngiLab Truss.2D Nodes are numbered with letters A, B, C, and Elements are numbered with numbers, but the user can change these settings.

Constraints: Shows/Hides the Constraints (Supports)

X-Coordinate: Shows/Hides the X-Coordinate of the Node

Y-Coordinate: Shows/Hides the Y-Coordinate of the Node

Springs: Shows/Hides the Springs

Spring values: Shows/Hides the Spring stiffness values


Elements group

Elements: Shows/Hides the Elements (lines)

Numbering: Shows/Hides the Elements' numbering

Use A,B,C,D: If checked, the numbering of Elements is not numerical but with the letters A, B, C, etc, like Excel columns numbering.

Orientation: Shows/Hides the Elements' orientation (arrow)

Material: Shows/Hides the Elements' Material

Section: Shows/Hides the Elements' Section

Length: Shows/Hides the Elements' length

Angle: Shows/Hides the Elements' angle

Line width: The user sets the width of the Elements (lines) on screen


Nodal Loads

Nodal Loads: Shows/Hides the Nodal Loads

Values: Shows/Hides the values of the Nodal Loads

Resultant force / FX and FY: In case of FX and FY Nodal force on a Node, the user selects if the Resultant force will be drawn (as a single vector) or of both vectors FX and FY will be drawn.


Elemental Loads

Elemental Loads: Shows/Hides the Elemental Loads

Values: Shows/Hides the values of the Elemental Loads



Acceleration vector: Shows/Hides the Acceleration vector

Acceleration values: Shows/Hides the Acceleration aX, aY values


Show Model Units on drawing: The user selects whether units will be shown on the drawing, for example if a force will appears as simply "10" or "10 kN/m" in case the load is 10 and the unit used is kN/m.