What is a 2D Frame?

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About 2D Frames

EngiLab Frame.2D specializes in the analysis of 2D Frames. In EngiLab Frame.2D, each Node has 3 Degrees Of Freedom (DOFs), the DX-Displacement, the DY-Displacement and the RZ-Rotation. The figure below explains this and highlights the differences between EngiLab Frame.2D and EngiLab Truss.2D programs.



Frames are very common in engineering. A Frame in EngiLab Frame.2D has the following properties:

All members (Elements) are straight, connecting two Nodes.

Members are connected only at the ends of the members. If two Elements share a common Node, they are connected through this Node.

Members can have internal hinges at either of their ends (Start i and End j). A hinge is a pin joint which means that moment will be zero at that point for the particular member.

A member has Axial Force, Shear Force and Bending Moment, at any of its points along its length.

Point Loads are always Nodal Loads. Nodal Loads can include FX-Force, FY-Force and MZ-Moment.

Along an Element, there can be distributed load in the form of a uniform load or a linear varying load.