Nodal Loads |
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Point loads can only be NODAL loads (acting on Nodes). To define a load (FX and/or FY) at a specific point, first a Node must have been defined at that location.
The Nodal Load properties are the Loads in each Degree Of Freedom (DOF) of the Node (Sign convention: Global axes):
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The derived Nodal Load properties (Read-only properties, calculated automatically by the program) are the following: •Total Force: The magnitude of the Total Force acting on the Node (always positive), which is calculated as TotalForce=sqrt(FX2+FY2) •Angle: The Angle defining the orientation of the Total Force vector. Angles are measures counter-clockwise from the horizontal: Angle 0 means that the Total Force points to the right (positive X-Global Axis). Angle 90 deg means that the Total Force points upwards (positive Y-Global Axis), etc. Angle -90 deg means that the Total Force points downwards (negative Y-Global Axis), etc.
Add new Nodal LoadTo add a new Nodal Load, specify the Node ID and then type the FX and FY values of the Nodal Load set. Then click the "Add Nodal Load" button.
Actions for selected Nodal LoadsIn order to perform these actions, you have to first select the entire row(s) of the corresponding Nodal Load(s) and then apply the action.
•Delete Nodal Load(s). Click the "Delete" button. You can Delete more than one Nodal Loads at a time.
Nodal Loads selection toolsThis tab provides tools for the selection of Nodal Loads. For example, you can select (add to selection) or deselect (remove from selection) all the Nodal Loads that have FX and/or FY values.